Isaiah V.
My deep-seated fascination with holistic healing has driven me to invest considerable time and effort into mastering various massage techniques and natural restorative therapies. My education at the National Holistic Institute in San Jose has equipped me with a comprehensive understanding of holistic practices, including deep tissue therapy and kinesiology. Under the guidance of experienced mentors, I have absorbed extensive knowledge and developed a particular expertise in Myofascial Release Therapy and Trigger Point Release, both of which have shown remarkable effectiveness in my treatments.
Outside of my professional pursuits, I enjoy exploring the Californian coast with my family and friends, cherishing moments that allow me to connect with nature's restorative energy.
"The world can have its stressful moments, and we all experience them from time to time. Massage therapy can help us cope with that physical stress we may hold onto. It gives back the mobility we've possibly lost and takes away that strain we grab ahold of. It's amazingly life-changing!"
Massage Therapist
Isaiah’s Treatments
For total blissed-out relaxation. Focus on a particular area for 45 minutes, or go for longer with a 60, 75 or 90 minute full-body.
Profoundly Curative.
For releasing patterns of tension. A full-body deep tissue treatment which loosens muscle fibres and improves circulation.
Releasing + Powerful.
For a restorative focus on a chosen area. A deep tissue massage for your neck & shoulders, hands or feet, or somewhere specifically in-need, to alleviate tension in overworked muscle groups.
Attention to Details.
For sporty humans. A recuperating sports massage focused on a problem area or two. For those who push their bodies to the limit, working into overexerted muscle groups.
Assess + Manipulate.